Monday, October 1, 2018

9/28 Update

Thank you for the update Alex and Aaryan!

The students brought home a parent volunteer form from our PTA room reps a little over a week ago. Please look over the form and send it back with your child ASAP if you haven't already. Thanks! 

September reading logs were due Today. Those who forgot to add up their minutes and write it on the calendar did that at school today.  Those who forgot to get a parent signature are bringing it home to do that tonight. Those who forgot to bring it in received a Second Chance sheet. Please be sure to have your child add up their minutes each month and get it signed before bringing it in.  They receive 1 Camp Buck for every 100 minutes read! Next month we'll send home a Second Chance sheet for anyone missing a signature or total on the due date.

The online sign up for Fall Conferences (10/18 and 10/19) was sent out via School Messenger on Friday. Conferences are a bit different this year - progress reports will not be ready at conference time. I will have a portfolio with some work samples, and we will be able to discuss what's going well so far this year, as well as any areas which may need improvement during the remainder of the term or school year.  I hope you can make it!

Please note that there is no school on Friday, 10/5 and Monday, 10/8.

I hope you had a nice weekend!

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