Thursday, October 4, 2018

10/4 Update

Hello Families!

Here are your weekly updates:

Good news! We earned our first classroom reward!  The students chose a "Tech Day" - it will take place on Friday, 10/12.  The students are allowed to bring a tech device from home and use it during the one hour of "Tech Day" time.  I will lock the devices up until that time, but we can't be held responsible for any damage/loss of tech.  The students are more than welcome to use the tech devices we have here at school for the time.  The kids will be allowed to use apps on our ipads or any links from the classroom blog - any other apps will need to be approved by myself  before being used in class.  We already discussed that Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite won't be allowed.

Each child met with me this week to set a personal reading goal - feel free to ask them what they've chosen to work on!

Please make sure that your child is reading and filling out their Reading Log each night. Please make sure to total the minutes read, sign the log, and have students turn it in on Wednesday, October 31st!

Students are to be filling out their Student Planner, each day, with homework assignments. We have set aside time, right before pack up to fill them out and check with me. Please double check that your child is filling it out, so they will not have missing work.

Cursive books are coming home next week - we finished learning both the lowercase and uppercase letters. We will be starting Word Study (spelling and word patterns) in two weeks. 

Be sure to check Seesaw for our final Midwest posts.

CogAt Testing is scheduled for the week of October 15th. There are no study material related to this testing, as it gives information regarding how your student learns best.

There is NO SCHOOL, Friday, October 5th and Monday, October 8th! Tuesday is a “Monday Schedule”, so we will not have library on Tuesday, but PE and Music instead.

We are still looking for helpers during our lunch hour (recess and lunch). Please let me know if you would be interested!

Thank you for all of your support! 
Have a wonderful LONG weekend!!

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