Friday, March 2, 2018

3/2 Update

We had technical difficulties with the video update - we'll try to post that on Monday.

Next week is PARCC testing.  We will have language arts tests in the mornings T-Th and Math tests in the afternoon T-Th and in the morning on Friday.

Friday afternoon we will celebrate the end of PARCC testing and receive our behavior reward by watching Charlotte's Web in the classroom (a note came home today with more information).  Kids can bring a sweet treat (no nuts, please) and wear pajamas.  We look forward to celebrating our hard work!

We took the Chapter 8 test math test today.  We will not start Chapter 9 until after PARCC testing.  Please continue to have the kids practice math facts using xtramath until then. 

We have a new student - Arun! Welcome to him and his family!!

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