Friday, February 23, 2018

2/23 Update

Thanks to Julia and Niti for the weekly update!

The cereal box projects look great! Such creative work!!

A description of the 3rd grade fundraiser came home today, along with the order sheet.  Due dates are on the orange sheet. Participation is optional, but funds raised help lower the costs of the spring trip to Chicago for everyone.

The math Chapter 8 test will be Friday, 3/2.

We will continue to do some PARCC practice tests in the classroom next week.  PARCC testing is 3/6-3/9.  Please avoid pulling students out for dr. appts, etc. during that time if at all possible.  If your student is ill, there will be make-up days, however.

The kids have earned another behavior reward! Yay!! It will be combined with an end-of-PARCC celebration on 3/9.  (We'll be watching a movie about a very special pig ;-).

Have a great weekend!

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