Friday, March 24, 2017


Due to technical difficulties, there will be no video this week.

In our poetry unit, we worked on using our background knowledge to figure out unknown words.

In science, the students are researching severe weather topics in small groups using e-books.  After break, they will begin using this research for a project.

In math, we worked on extended multiplication facts and estimating money.

In writing, the students worked on poetry writing.

Thank you to everyone for supporting our Cookie Joe fundraiser!  Orders will be placed soon, and it should take 3-4 weeks before we get the cookies.

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The March calendar is due April 3. The goal is 500 minutes.  

Please remember to remind your child to return their Kindle, iPod or iPad if they get them from our school library.  Students are only able to keep these for one week.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Monday, April 3.

Remember, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday due to conferences.  Spring break will begin today and run through April 3.  Enjoy!!!

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