Friday, December 18, 2015


Eeshu and Harini did a great job with this week's news!

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The December reading logs are due Jan. 4.

There will be No Friday Folder this week.  Papers will be sent home after break.

Fountas and Pinnell testing has started again.  I will pull your child to determine their updated instructional reading level at some point over the next month.  Testing will be completed by Jan. 15.

The students had a great day of wearing pjs, watching Frosty the Snowman, and watching/performing in the holiday show.

Friday, December 11, 2015


Keaton and Hari did a wonderful job with this week's class news:

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The December reading logs are due Jan. 4.

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Fountas and Pinnell testing has started again.  I will pull your child to determine their updated instructional reading level at some point over the next month.  Testing will be completed by Jan. 15.

PJ day is on Friday!  Students will also be watching Frosty the Snowman as their class reward!

Friday, December 4, 2015


Brady and Aarnav did a great job presenting this week's news:

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The December reading logs are due Jan. 4.

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Fountas and Pinnell testing has started again.  I will pull your child to determine their updated instructional reading level at some point over the next month.  Testing will be completed by Jan. 15.

Monday, November 30, 2015

New ebook source!

Look on the right hand side for a new resource through the LMC - Follett ebooks! (Under the heading "Reading")

Friday, November 20, 2015


Taylor and Issac did a wonderful job presenting this week's news:

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The November reading logs are due Dec. 1

The Heritage reading project float is also due Dec. 1.   The Heritage Museum will take place from 2-2:20 on Friday, Dec. 4 in the Ivy Hill Commons.  Families can come and explore the projects!

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Report cards went home today.  Please sign and return the EMPTY report card envelope.

Cursive writing has begun!  Spelling will resume after winter break.

We finished our Little Space Man projects.  Click this link to view the projects:  Little Space Man Projects

No School next week!  Enjoy the time with your family and friends!

Water Bottles

Since the weather is not hot anymore, please have your child keep their water bottle at home.  We do have a water fountain in the room.  We are having issues with water bottles spilling constantly, they are being knocked over or are left lying on the floor, and they rarely get taken home to be washed.  When the weather gets hot again we can revisit this.  Thanks!

Friday, November 13, 2015


Alex and Likhith did a great job presenting this week's news:

Please return the parent/teacher conference confirmation slip if you have not already.  Conferences will be held on Nov. 23-24.

Our class filled up their cotton jar, and the class voted on an electronics party.  This short party will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 17.  Please see the letter that was emailed today for more information.

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The November reading logs are due Dec. 1

The Heritage reading project float is also due Dec. 1.   An invitation went home today about our Heritage Museum which will take place from 2-2:20 on Friday, Dec. 4 in the Ivy Hill Commons.  Families can come and explore the projects!

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Report cards go home Friday, Nov. 20.

We will begin cursive writing next week on Tuesday, and we will take a break from Spelling.  Spelling will resume after winter break.

Friday, November 6, 2015


Marcus and Brady did a great job presenting this week's news:

Please return the parent/teacher conference confirmation slip that went home today by Friday, Nov. 13.

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The November reading logs are due Dec. 1

The Heritage reading project float is also due Dec. 1.

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween party pictures


Aidan and Sean did a great job with this week's news:

The Friday Folder went home yesterday.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Please return the parent-teacher conference preference form if you haven't already.

The non-fiction reading project and October reading calendar are both due on Monday, November 2nd!

Moon observation schedule:
Students #1-4      Oct. 14-17 AND Nov. 8-10
Students #5-9      Oct. 18-24
Students #10-14  Oct. 25-31
Students #15-20  Nov. 1-7

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Eeshu and Renna did a great job presenting this week's news:

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Please return your Halloween attendance/plans form as soon as possible.

A parent-teacher conference preference form when home today.  Please return this as soon as possible.

The class filled up the cotton jar!  Therefore, Monday, Oct. 26 will be pajama day!  Students may also bring a small stuffed animal friend that can fit on their desk without interrupting their work.

We have started at-home moon observations over the next month.  Your child will only be responsible for observing the moon for 7 days (a calendar and instruction sheet will go home when it is your child's turn).  Be on the lookout for the moon observation calendar, and check your child's assignment notebook.  The schedule is as follows for your information:

Students #1-4      Oct. 14-17 AND Nov. 8-10
Students #5-9      Oct. 18-24
Students #10-14  Oct. 25-31
Students #15-20  Nov. 1-7

The non-fiction reading project needs to be completed entirely at home, and will be due on November 2nd.

The October reading calendar is due November 2nd. Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each SCHOOL night and recording the minutes on the calendar.  The title and author of the books read can be recorded on the back of the calendar.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Cienna and Marcus did a great job presenting this week's news:

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

There is a spelling test on Monday.  This test will cover the words we have worked on over the past two weeks.

We have started at-home moon observations over the next month.  Your child will only be responsible for observing the moon for 7 days (a calendar and instruction sheet will go home when it is your child's turn).  Be on the lookout for the moon observation calendar, and check your child's assignment notebook.  The schedule is as follows for your information:

Students #1-4      Oct. 14-17 AND Nov. 8-10
Students #5-9      Oct. 18-24
Students #10-14  Oct. 25-31
Students #15-20  Nov. 1-7

All students should have approved a non-fiction book with their teacher by today.  The non-fiction reading project needs to be completed entirely at home, and will be due on November 2nd.

The October reading calendar is due November 2nd. Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each SCHOOL night and recording the minutes on the calendar.  The title and author of the books read can be recorded on the back of the calendar.

Picture day is Wednesday, Oct. 21.  Open house is Thursday, Oct. 22 at 6:30.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Atiksh and Alex did a great job presenting this week's news:

Friday, October 2, 2015


Likhith and Sam did a great job presenting this week's news:

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

There is a spelling test on Monday.

No school on Friday, October 9 and Monday October 12.

Students received an information page about our first reading genre project.  They will need to choose a non-fiction book and have it approved by the teacher before Oct. 16.  This project will be due on November 2nd.

The new October reading calendar is due November 2nd. Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.  The title and author of the books read can be recorded on the back of the calendar.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Keaton and Brady did a great job presenting this week's news (they were our substitutes as some students were absent/busy):

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

There is a spelling test and a Unit 1 math test on Monday.  A study guide went home today for math.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Schoolwide Informational Meeting

Just a reminder that the district is holding an informational meeting on the new Schoolwide reading curriculum on the following date and time:

Location: Greenbrier Commons

Presenters: D25 Literacy Teachers

Date: October 1st

Time: 6:30-7:30

Friday, September 18, 2015


Harini and Hari did a great job presenting this week's news:

We finished MAP testing today.  The students did a nice job staying focused, and they worked very hard!

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Our spelling groups will begin on Monday, September 21.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Taylor and Aarnav did a great job presenting this week's class news:

MAP testing for our class will take place on Tuesday, September 15.  The reading MAP test will be in the morning, and the Math MAP test will be in the afternoon.  Please make sure to schedule doctor appointments around this date.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

The Friday Folder went home today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Our spelling groups will begin on Monday, September 21 due to MAP testing next week.

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015

Issac and Keaton did a great job presenting this week's news:

Remember, there is no school on Monday, September 7 due to Labor Day.

MAP testing for our class will take place on Tuesday, September 15.  The reading MAP test will be in the morning, and the Math MAP test will be in the afternoon.  Please make sure to schedule doctor appointments around this date.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

The Friday Folder will go home next Friday when we have more graded papers to pass back!

The Student of the Week schedule went home today.  Be sure to check the date for when your child will be Student of the Week!

Thursday, August 27, 2015


It was a great first day! Please have your child bring a book to school tomorrow.

Homework due Monday:
Parent survey and letter to the teacher
Contact sheet
Me Bag

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome to Room 153 with Mrs. Como and Mrs. Sobanski!

Tomorrow, August 26th, is the Ice Cream Social and teacher Meet and Greet.  Mrs. Como and Mrs. Sobanski will be in the classroom from 3-4pm for you to meet us and drop off your supplies. Both of us will be here together if you want to squeeze in a photo with both of us at once, as well.  The Ice Cream Social takes place from 3:30-5pm.  Mrs. Como will be out to greet the students on Thursday morning (and Mrs. Sobanski will be in the classroom Thursday afternoon), and our Curriculum Night will be held Wednesday, September 2nd in the evening, as well. We're looking forward to meeting you all! Welcome to Third Grade!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 5, 2015

Here is our last class news of the year!

You should fine two cursive packets and a math packet that went home today.  These can be completed over the summer if you wish, and do NOT need to be returned.

The Summer Keyboarding Challenge login information will go home in the report card envelope (see below).

Remind your child to bring their yearbook back to school on Monday for signing!

I thoroughly enjoyed teaching your child this year, and I look forward to seeing them around next year!  Have a wonderful summer.  Take care!

Mrs. Como's 2014-2015 class!

Field Day Photos!

Author Study Buddy Poke Projects!
Author Study Buddy Poke Projects

Keyboarding Challenge!

Keyboarding Challenge Video

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

Important Information
May reading calendar due Monday, June 1.

Pizza party permission slip and $1.00 due Monday, June 1.

Friday Folders do NOT need to be returned.

Last day of school is Monday, June 8.

Dreambox accounts will remain active until June 21st.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015

No school on Friday or Monday!

Spelling Packet and Test on Tuesday.

Field Day on Friday, May 29th.

May reading calendar due June 1st.

Wendella Boat Cruise Photos

Wendella Boat Cruise Slideshow

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 15, 2015

This Week's News:

(Unfortunately, the video did not upload this week, so here is a summary of what Priya and Shaurya had written):

In reading, we compared and contrasted books by the author Margie Palatini as a whole group.  We also did some research to learn more about her life and book inspirations.  Finally, we wrote her a letter!  

At the end of the week, we split up into our reading groups and began a second author study on the author Cynthia Rylant.  (photos are at the end)

In grammar we learned about helping verbs.

In writing we learned about how to punctuate dialogue.  We also experimented with using dialogue in our writing to help "show."

In math we learned about the Partial Products Algorithm for multiplication, and we also studied factors.  

In science we learned about the way light travels.  In social studies we learned about The Great Chicago Fire.  We even got to try to identify real artifacts from the fire, and we guessed who might have used them.  Furthermore, we learned about the Chicago River, and we used primary sources (photographs of the past and present) to make comparisons and predictions.  

Important Information

The Wendella field trip is on Monday, May 18.  Please have your child bring a disposable sack lunch (unless you ordered one) and wear their green I Am Ivy Hill shirt (or another Ivy spirit wear shirt).  Cameras are allowed, but children are responsible for them (adults will not carry them).

The spelling packet is due on Tuesdays, and the spelling test will be on Tuesdays as well.

This Friday was our last day to check out library books.  All books are due by May 22nd.

The historical fiction genre project is due on Thursday, May 21.

No school on Friday for the kids as teachers have a SIP day.
No school on Monday, May 25 due to Memorial Day.

Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 29th.

The May reading calendar is due on June 1st.

May Coding (Sphero, Lego Robotics, and More)

Cynthia Rylant Author Study (small groups)