Friday, November 20, 2015


Taylor and Issac did a wonderful job presenting this week's news:

Your child should be reading 20 minutes or longer each SCHOOL night.  The November reading logs are due Dec. 1

The Heritage reading project float is also due Dec. 1.   The Heritage Museum will take place from 2-2:20 on Friday, Dec. 4 in the Ivy Hill Commons.  Families can come and explore the projects!

Please remember to empty, sign and return the Friday Folder by Monday.

Report cards went home today.  Please sign and return the EMPTY report card envelope.

Cursive writing has begun!  Spelling will resume after winter break.

We finished our Little Space Man projects.  Click this link to view the projects:  Little Space Man Projects

No School next week!  Enjoy the time with your family and friends!

Water Bottles

Since the weather is not hot anymore, please have your child keep their water bottle at home.  We do have a water fountain in the room.  We are having issues with water bottles spilling constantly, they are being knocked over or are left lying on the floor, and they rarely get taken home to be washed.  When the weather gets hot again we can revisit this.  Thanks!

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