Friday, October 23, 2015


Eeshu and Renna did a great job presenting this week's news:

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Please return your Halloween attendance/plans form as soon as possible.

A parent-teacher conference preference form when home today.  Please return this as soon as possible.

The class filled up the cotton jar!  Therefore, Monday, Oct. 26 will be pajama day!  Students may also bring a small stuffed animal friend that can fit on their desk without interrupting their work.

We have started at-home moon observations over the next month.  Your child will only be responsible for observing the moon for 7 days (a calendar and instruction sheet will go home when it is your child's turn).  Be on the lookout for the moon observation calendar, and check your child's assignment notebook.  The schedule is as follows for your information:

Students #1-4      Oct. 14-17 AND Nov. 8-10
Students #5-9      Oct. 18-24
Students #10-14  Oct. 25-31
Students #15-20  Nov. 1-7

The non-fiction reading project needs to be completed entirely at home, and will be due on November 2nd.

The October reading calendar is due November 2nd. Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each SCHOOL night and recording the minutes on the calendar.  The title and author of the books read can be recorded on the back of the calendar.

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