Friday, September 7, 2018

9/7 Update

Thank you to Akshara and Niko for the weekly update!

We have a new student this week - Labhansh! Welcome!!

Please make sure that your child is reading and filling out their Reading Log each night. The goal for the month is 500 minutes!

Next week is MAP testing for new students and students we are monitoring ONLY.  They will be taken on Monday and Tuesday.  The day will be the same as usual for the rest of our students.  No special preparations are necessary.

Please note that Picture Day is Wednesday, September 19th! Picture Day forms are coming home, today.

If you are interested in learning more/ have questions about the Standards Based Grading and Report Cards, please attend the Parent Informational Night, next Thursday (7:00-8:00 pm) at South Middle School.

Our Chapter 1 Math Test is next Wednesday! A review sheet will be going home on Monday to help with studying!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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