Friday, April 13, 2018


Thanks Chris and Arun for the weekly update!

Hopefully you saw our tweets about Aaron Blabey - he visited Ivy Hill yesterday and read from his book, The Bad Guys, which Dreamworks will be making into a movie!  He was fun to watch - it was a great presentation!

We will have some time on Monday afternoon to finish the Chapter 9 math test and check over our work.  We skip to Chapter 11 next in math.  There are only two lessons - 11.3 and 11.4! Because this Chapter is so short, we won't be pretesting or forming math groups.  We should be ready to test by Wed. 4/25, but watch the assignment notebooks for confirmation as that date gets nearer.

The April reading calendar is due 4/30. Don't forget to add up your minutes and get it signed!

Next week we have MAP testing on Tuesday pm (math) and Wednesday am (reading).  Please try not to pull your student out for appts, etc, during this time if possible.

On Wed. pm, we will attend a STEM Museum at school.  Sounds interesting!

Have a great weekend!

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