Friday, April 27, 2018


Thanks to Rehaan and Yash for the weekly update!

2nd step homework will be due next Friday.

We start Chapter 13 on Monday (pretest).  This may be the last test included on progress reports this year, though we do plan to move on to Chapter 14 and get as far as possible.  The Chapter 13 test is currently planned for 5/9.  The graded Chapter 11 test is coming home today in the home folders.  Please take a peek in case your son/daughter needs to study this weekend for a re-take (it would say so at the top).

Reading calendars are due on MONDAY!  Please add up your minutes and get it signed.

Officer Veenstra will be here next Wednesday for his safety talk with the kids.  We look forward to his visit!

Finally, the kids have earned yet another reward for good behavior! Yay!!  They chose to watch The Lorax (due to its Earth-friendly theme around Earth Day :).  They will watch it on Monday, 5/7.  They may bring a special snack to enjoy that day during the movie (no pjs or blankets this time).

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2018

4/20 Update

Thanks Tony and Natalie for the great weekly update!
April Reading/Math Logs are due April 30th! Please make sure it is signed by a parent.

Information about the Wendella trip, cost, chaperones, etc. will be coming home the first week of May! The trip is scheduled for May 31st! If you ordered cookies, they will be coming home next week!

The Just Move It Challenge is on April 21st at South, beginning at 8AM.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather!!!

Friday, April 13, 2018


Thanks Chris and Arun for the weekly update!

Hopefully you saw our tweets about Aaron Blabey - he visited Ivy Hill yesterday and read from his book, The Bad Guys, which Dreamworks will be making into a movie!  He was fun to watch - it was a great presentation!

We will have some time on Monday afternoon to finish the Chapter 9 math test and check over our work.  We skip to Chapter 11 next in math.  There are only two lessons - 11.3 and 11.4! Because this Chapter is so short, we won't be pretesting or forming math groups.  We should be ready to test by Wed. 4/25, but watch the assignment notebooks for confirmation as that date gets nearer.

The April reading calendar is due 4/30. Don't forget to add up your minutes and get it signed!

Next week we have MAP testing on Tuesday pm (math) and Wednesday am (reading).  Please try not to pull your student out for appts, etc, during this time if possible.

On Wed. pm, we will attend a STEM Museum at school.  Sounds interesting!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 6, 2018


Aahaan and Sudheeshna did a great job presenting this week's class news! 

Open House and the Book Fair are next Wednesday, April 11th from 6-8pm! Our classroom will be open from 6:30-7:30pm, so please feel free to stop by! I hope to see you there!

Spring MAP testing will take place the week of April 16th. Our tentative schedule is: Math MAP 4/17 1:15-2:45pm and Reading MAP 4/18 9:10-10:40am.

The Just Move It Challenge is on 4/21 at South at 8am!

Have a great weekend!!