Wednesday, March 21, 2018

3/21 Update

Thanks Hemanth and Tanvi for the weekly update!
Parent teacher conferences are Thursday and Friday this week - No School until 4/3.
Reading calendars are due 4/3 - remember to read and practice your facts over spring break.
Have a great spring break!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

2nd Step Emotions Dance

Take a look at Mrs. Knutson and Mrs. Como/Sobanski's students practicing self-regulation with a fun dance.  We're working on recognizing strong emotions and learning how to deal with them during our 2nd Step classes. They did an amazing job learning the dance so quickly!

Friday, March 16, 2018

3/16 Update

Thanks Sanvi and Aditi for the great update!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Wendella Cookie Fundraiser! Information about the trip, cost, chaperones, etc. will be coming home after Spring Break! The trip is scheduled for May 31st

Grade Reports and CogAt Scores are coming home today! Please be sure to empty the folder, as the contents are for your records. Please sign the outside of the folder and have your child bring it back to school, on Monday!

Have a great weekend and remember there is NO SCHOOL next Thursday and Friday due to Spring Conferences!

Friday, March 9, 2018

3/9 Update

Thanks Maya and Allison for the weekly update!

Some reminders:
Java Joe's Fundraiser Forms are due March 13 (Monday). Please let me know if you have any questions. Additional information about our Wendella Field Trip will be sent home closer to the field trip date.

On April 21st, the ABC/25 Foundation will be hosting the 7th Annual Just Movie It! Challenge. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Video from 3/2

Friday, March 2, 2018

3/2 Update

We had technical difficulties with the video update - we'll try to post that on Monday.

Next week is PARCC testing.  We will have language arts tests in the mornings T-Th and Math tests in the afternoon T-Th and in the morning on Friday.

Friday afternoon we will celebrate the end of PARCC testing and receive our behavior reward by watching Charlotte's Web in the classroom (a note came home today with more information).  Kids can bring a sweet treat (no nuts, please) and wear pajamas.  We look forward to celebrating our hard work!

We took the Chapter 8 test math test today.  We will not start Chapter 9 until after PARCC testing.  Please continue to have the kids practice math facts using xtramath until then. 

We have a new student - Arun! Welcome to him and his family!!