Friday, January 19, 2018

1/19 Update

Thanks Tony and Niti for the weekly summary!

Please remember that Monday is a teacher meeting day and there is NO SCHOOL.

If anyone has a large bottle of hand sanitizer they would like to donate, we would happily accept a few bottles.  We are all out!

Also, please remember to send a pair of shoes for the kids to change into after lunch and recess.  The boots are too wet to wear all day in the classroom and need to stay in the hall.

Math Unit 6 Review will come home on Tuesday and the Unit 6 Test will take place on Wed., 1/24.

The reading calendar is due 1/31.

The kids did have 2nd Step class today - the homework will come home Tuesday and be due next Friday.  Please be sure to sign it before returning it.

It's flu and cold season - please remember the school rule of keeping your child home for a full 24hrs after a fever, throwing up, or having diarrhea.  We encourage sharing, but let's be selfish with those germs ;). We can catch students up when they return.

Have a great weekend!

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