Friday, December 15, 2017

12/15 Update

Thanks Tanvi and Sudheeshna for the great summary of our week! (Sorry we had to trim it a bit to allow it to upload.)

The next reading calendar is due next Fri., 12/22.  400min. is ok as a total.

If you still want to do lunchtime readers, they will accept permission slips up until next Tues. 12/19.

Due to music practice next week, we will take a break from math lessons and continue Chapter 6 after break.  There will be no math homework next week.  Please do not lose the packets over winter break - we will need them again!

The music show is next Friday, 12/22 at 9:45, if you plan on attending. This show is for the 3rd grade parents.

Have a great weekend!

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