Friday, December 22, 2017

12/22 Update

Thanks Chris and Aahaan for the great summary of our week!
We had a wonderful last day of school before winter break with many fun activities and 
an amazing third grade show today!
Great America reading logs are due Monday, 1/15.
The class has earned another reward and they will receive it after break.
Remember there is no school until Monday, 1/8 when we return from break.
Have a wonderful and safe winter break - 
we hope you are able to enjoy time together with family and friends.
Don't lose those math homework packets - we'll need them again after break!
See you again next year ;-)!

Friday, December 15, 2017

12/15 Update

Thanks Tanvi and Sudheeshna for the great summary of our week! (Sorry we had to trim it a bit to allow it to upload.)

The next reading calendar is due next Fri., 12/22.  400min. is ok as a total.

If you still want to do lunchtime readers, they will accept permission slips up until next Tues. 12/19.

Due to music practice next week, we will take a break from math lessons and continue Chapter 6 after break.  There will be no math homework next week.  Please do not lose the packets over winter break - we will need them again!

The music show is next Friday, 12/22 at 9:45, if you plan on attending. This show is for the 3rd grade parents.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 8, 2017

12/8 Update

Thanks Hemanth and Sanvi for summarizing our week! Great job!

Here are a few updates:
The reading calendar is due 12/22 - 400 minutes is acceptable for this month's goal.

PLEASE send in post-it notes if you can spare them.  We are already completely out! The kids use them to set their personal goals each week and to record their thinking during writing, amongst other things.  We'll take whatever you can spare :).  Thank you!

We've started Chapter 6 in math.  Homework will begin on Monday.  This is a longer chapter than the others, so we will need to finish and test for it after winter break.  

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1 Update

Welcome to December!

Thanks for the great summary Maya and Allison! Please check out our green-screen weather reports on the blog, as well! 

Please send back the signed report card envelope if you haven't already.  We need them for term 2.

The Six Flags Great America logs came home today.  The kids may use their 20 minutes (or more) to log time towards a free ticket.  They are due by 1/15.

The December reading calendar is due 12/22.

A member of the AHML (library) is coming on 12/6 to talk to the kids about doing lunchtime readers.

The next spelling test is next Friday, 12/8.  The kids should study the words by writing them down a few times each week (the last five words will be introduced on Monday).  

We are taking a break in math to review Chapters 1-5.  We will start Chapter 6 on 12/7.  Homework will start the following week.

Have a great weekend!

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