Friday, November 10, 2017

11/10 Update

Thanks to Julia and Lily for the weekly update!

Some classroom notes: 
Conference sign-ups close next Wednesday.

The next reading calendar is due 11/30.

Our next word work test is Friday, 11/17.  Practice your words every night, please. (There should be 5 in the assignment notebook and 5 more next Monday.)

The next math chapter (5) is a short one - only one lesson!  We will test again in two weeks.

We earned a STEM day on 11/14 for good behavior and are getting close to earning another reward soon!

Progress reports will come home on 11/17.

We continue to add projects/writing to Seesaw whenever possible.  Be sure to check them out and leave a comment, if you wish!

It looks like winter has hit us early!  Please send students dressed warmly on days like today (hats, gloves, and a warm jacket).  As soon as the snow sticks, snowpants and snowboots are necessary to play in the field.

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