Friday, November 17, 2017

11/17 Update

Thanks to Abhi and Niti for the great update!

Progress reports come home today in backpacks.

The November reading calendar is due 11/30.

Conferences are next week Monday and Tuesday.  Thank you all for signing up and we look forward to seeing you soon!

There is NO SCHOOL next week - enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, November 10, 2017

11/10 Update

Thanks to Julia and Lily for the weekly update!

Some classroom notes: 
Conference sign-ups close next Wednesday.

The next reading calendar is due 11/30.

Our next word work test is Friday, 11/17.  Practice your words every night, please. (There should be 5 in the assignment notebook and 5 more next Monday.)

The next math chapter (5) is a short one - only one lesson!  We will test again in two weeks.

We earned a STEM day on 11/14 for good behavior and are getting close to earning another reward soon!

Progress reports will come home on 11/17.

We continue to add projects/writing to Seesaw whenever possible.  Be sure to check them out and leave a comment, if you wish!

It looks like winter has hit us early!  Please send students dressed warmly on days like today (hats, gloves, and a warm jacket).  As soon as the snow sticks, snowpants and snowboots are necessary to play in the field.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Weekly Update 11/3

Nishita did a great job with the classroom update this week!

We took our first word work test today.  It will come home next Friday.  Make sure to study those high frequency words every night until our bi-weekly test! Our next test will be on 11/17.

Reading projects are due 11/8.

The next reading calendar is due 11/30.

The math chapter 4 test will be next Friday, 11/10.  The review will come home Thursday.  That is the final test for this term.

Picture Re-take Day is scheduled for Monday, November 6th at 9:30am! If you would like re-takes done, please make sure that your child brings in their original photo packet, on that day!

Please note that we will be honoring Veteran’s Day next Friday. Please see the information coming home today, in home folders!