Friday, September 15, 2017

9/15 Weekly Update

A few reminders...

-Students should leave the Chapter 1 homework packet at home, unless they did not have their homework on Friday and received a second chance sheet.  Our first math test of third grade will be this coming Tuesday, September 19th. Students will complete a review in class on Monday and will bring a copy of the review home to study on Monday

-Picture Day is Tuesday, September 26th!

-An Informational video has been sent home regarding our school fundraiser for Mayde Creek Elementary, a school in Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey. Here is the information regarding our "Gallons For Gators" fundraiser from Mrs. Jimenez...

September 18th - 29th

Collecting all coins and bills that we will use to purchase items off Mayde Creek Elementary School's Amazon wish list. Items include school supplies, clothing, household items, and food. Students will not be purchasing. We will make one bulk purchase at the end of the fundraiser with all money raised.)
You can follow our progress at #IvyHillGivesBack.

The girls got interrupted during their video, but did a great job finishing up anyway :)!

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