Friday, September 29, 2017

9/29 Update

Hemanth and Aditi did a great job presenting this week's class news! 

A few reminders...

-Reading logs are due Monday 10/2. The log needs to have a parent signature, the total number of minutes read, and the book title recorded

-October reading logs will be sent home on Monday.

-We had our second bullying lesson with Ms. Ague this afternoon...reporting bullying! A new homelink will be sent home on Monday and will be due next Friday. I told any students who did not yet hand in the 1st bullying homework I will give them until Monday to hand it in, at which point second chance sheets will come home if it's not done.

-The kids enjoyed their Day Under the Stars.  The excitement of the day, combined with the end of the day bullying presentation, had many classmates unable to quiet down at the end of the day for our class raffle.  Hopefully we can improve and maybe pull 4 names from the camp bucks bin for the raffle next week :).

Thursday, September 21, 2017

9/21 Weekly Update

Good news!  The class reached their first class reward by filling up our marshmallow jar in class!  We will be having a "Day under the stars" next Friday the 29th.  The kids may bring a sleeping bag or blanket and flashlight (if they want - not required), and we will read with the lights off and watch a G rated movie on our sleeping bags in the afternoon.  Congratulations campers!

Chris and Aahaan did a great job summarizing our week. Please watch them here:

Friday, September 15, 2017

9/15 Weekly Update

A few reminders...

-Students should leave the Chapter 1 homework packet at home, unless they did not have their homework on Friday and received a second chance sheet.  Our first math test of third grade will be this coming Tuesday, September 19th. Students will complete a review in class on Monday and will bring a copy of the review home to study on Monday

-Picture Day is Tuesday, September 26th!

-An Informational video has been sent home regarding our school fundraiser for Mayde Creek Elementary, a school in Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey. Here is the information regarding our "Gallons For Gators" fundraiser from Mrs. Jimenez...

September 18th - 29th

Collecting all coins and bills that we will use to purchase items off Mayde Creek Elementary School's Amazon wish list. Items include school supplies, clothing, household items, and food. Students will not be purchasing. We will make one bulk purchase at the end of the fundraiser with all money raised.)
You can follow our progress at #IvyHillGivesBack.

The girls got interrupted during their video, but did a great job finishing up anyway :)!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/8 Weekly Update

Picture Day is Tuesday, September 26th! Please return your envelope before that date if you plan to order pictures.

Bully Prevention Talks start next Friday. Please be sure to read the information below from Ms. Ague, our School Social Worker. Her blog is also a wonderful place for resources, if you are interested:
This year we are teaching the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit in grades 1st-5th. Over the next 4 weeks, Ms. Ague, our School Social Worker, will be working with each grade level to do a series of lessons on bullying. In the lessons, your child will learn specific skills to help recognize and handle bullying.  Students will learn how to:
· Recognize when bullying is happening
· Report bullying to a caring adult
· Refuse to let bullying happen to themselves or others
· Be a bystander who stands up and is part of the solution
· 4th and 5th grade students will be learning about cyber bullying.  
In addition, your student will be bringing home simple, fun activities called Home Links that will help you understand what your child is learning about bullying at school.  The Home Links will also give your child another opportunity to practice skills for handling bullying.  
If you have any questions about the Bullying Prevention Unit please feel free to contact Ms. Ague or myself.  Thank you for your support in helping make our school a safe and respectful place where everyone can learn. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

9/1 Weekly Update

We had a wonderful first week of school! Don't forget there is no school on Monday and Parent Information (Curriculum) Night is Wednesday 9/6 in Room 153.  
Have a great weekend!