Friday, February 10, 2017


Krishna and Rithvikesh did a great job with this week's news:

Remember to have your child bring in their valentine mailbox by 2/14.  Also, if your child wishes to bring in valentines, we have 22 students in the class.  No treats or food are allowed at the party.  Our party will be 2/14 in the afternoon, followed by a short movie.

Our fiction book project is due 2/17.  Be sure your child fills out the brief summary on the form and that they write a rough draft of their story (on separate paper) before they create their picture book.  The summary and draft are BOTH worth 10 points.  Also, showing that they revised their draft is worth ANOTHER 10 points.

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The February Reading Calendar is due Wednesday, February 28th The goal is 500 minutes.  

Please remember to remind your child to return their Kindle, iPod or iPad if they get them from our school library.  Students are only able to keep these for one week.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Monday.

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