Friday, September 9, 2016


Matthew and Katie did a great job with this week's video:

Thank you for coming to Parent Night.  It was great to see everyone!

MAP Testing begins next week for new students or those in need of progress monitoring.

Remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record your minutes on your reading calendar.   The September Reading Calendar is due September 30.  The goal is 500 minutes.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection.  Then please sign and return the empty folder on Monday.

Please note that a Student of the Week letter went home today in the Friday Folder.  Check to see when your child will be Student of the Week, and mark it on your calendar.  A poster will be due on that date.


This year we are teaching the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit in grades 1st-5th.  Over the next 4 weeks, Ms. Ague, our School Social Worker, will be working with each grade level to do a series of lessons on bullying. 

In the lessons, your child will learn specific skills to help recognize and handle bullying.  Students will learn how to:
·      -Recognize when bullying is happening
·      -Report bullying to a caring adult
·      -Refuse to let bullying happen to themselves or others
·      -Be a bystander who stands up and is part of the solution
·      -4th and 5th grade students will be learning about cyberbullying.

In addition, your student will be bringing home simple, fun activities called Home Links that will help you understand what your child is learning about bullying at school.  The Home Links will also give your child another opportunity to practice skills for handling bullying 

If you have any questions about the Bullying Prevention Unit please feel free to contact Ms. Ague or your teachers.  Thank you for your support in helping make our school a safe and respectful place where everyone can learn. 

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