Friday, January 22, 2016


Keaton and Sean did a great job presenting this week's news:

Words Their Way will start up again on Monday, Jan. 25.

Red Ribbon Week and Lunchtime Readers begins the week of Jan. 25.

We will be dissecting owl pellets on Tuesday, January 26.  If your child would like to take an owl pellet home for further exploration, please return the permission slip by Tuesday.  Also, if they have any allergies and will just be observing, please return the permission slip.

The January Reading Log and Fiction Reading Project are both due on February 8th.

The Valentine's Day party will be on Friday, February 12 from 1:20-2:30.  (Further information about the party will be sent home next week).  On a related note, today we sent home a letter about Valentine's Day "Mailboxes."  Please have this "mailbox" complete/returned to school by Friday, February 12.  The students will use this to collect all of the valentine cards that they get during the party.  A class list of names also went home so that your child can start writing out valentine cards if they wish.

The Six Flags Read to Succeed is due February 22 if your child chooses to participate.  Students may record the same reading minutes that they record on the class reading log.

Be sure to sign and return the empty Friday Folder by Monday!

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