Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014

This week in reading, Mrs. Burns came in to do a whole group lesson on close reading.  She used a challenging poem, and in the end, the students were able to break it apart and figure out the meaning.  The students also reviewed using sensory images to help them with their comprehension, and they were introduced to fix-up strategies to use when meaning breaks down.  The class will continue to focus on these strategies next week.  Finally, the students wrote their second reading response in the form of a friendly letter.

This week, the class worked on measuring to the nearest inch, 1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, centimeter, 1/2 centimeter, and millimeter. The students also reviewed U.S. customary and metric units of length and were able to estimate/measure lengths to the nearest inch and centimeter. The students also made polygons with straws and twist-ties, noting similarities and differences.  They measured the sides and found the perimeters of the straw polygons.  Finally, they drew a square and a rectangle with given perimeters. 

On Friday, the students tracked the moon in the sky (during the day) and compared it to the lesson when they tracked the sun.  The students continue to record their moon observations in class, and the class is noticing a pattern!  In addition, most students have finished creating a Wonder Page or two about the moon.

Language Arts
In WEX this week, the class worked on identifying showing/telling, and they also worked on defining action words.

In grammar the class is finishing their study of common/proper nouns, and the quiz will be on Thursday.

  • This week the students had their first coding lesson of the year in the LMC. 
  • The students learned about cognitive impairments for Everybody Counts week.  Thank you to the parents who helped lead these activities!
  • The students had the opportunity to view the 4th grade show on Tuesday.
  • Hearing/vision screening took place on Friday.
  • Simon's grandfather payed us a visit on Friday.  We were very happy to have him join us.  Thanks!
  • Thanks for attending Open House!  It was nice to see such a great turn out!

Important Information
Please return your child's Halloween Permission Slip if you haven't done so already.

Friday Folders will go home this Thursday.

The biography genre project is due Thursday, October 30th.  

The Halloween parade will be on October 31 at 1:45.  After the parade, we will have our class party.

The October reading calendar/log is due Monday, November 3.

Fall Conference Preference Forms are due November 3.

Pretty soon, the students will be taking over the class news!  This helps to create ownership of the students' learning.  Each week, I will randomly select two students to write/record the class news, and you will be able to view it on our blog as a video.  Stay tuned!

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