Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14, 2014

This week in math, the students predicted whether first or last names are more likely to have more letters, and then they used data about their names to make a tally chart and bar graph.  Finally, they found the maximum, minimum, range, median and mode of the data.  On another day, the students found equivalent names for numbers as they completed name-collection boxes and played the game, Name That Number.  Wednesday, the students classified events as sure and not sure.  Then they used expressions such as good chance, likely, unlikely, and impossible to discuss and compare the likelihood of events.  On Friday, the students used the patterns on a number grid to find differences between pairs of two-digit numbers. 

In reading this week, the students talked about the guidelines for Readers' Workshop, including when we swap books from our classroom library.   In addition, we discussed why readers abandon books and about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books.

The students should bring in their fiction book for the genre project and get it approved by Mrs. Como by September 19.  The fiction genre project is then due on September 30.

The teachers have been working diligently to complete Aimsweb Testing (for fluency) and Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Testing to determine guided reading levels.  Once all of this testing is complete, guided reading groups will begin.  

The students have been working on the skill of focus in WEX.  They are learning that when a writer focuses on one moment in time and adds specific details about that one moment, the writing becomes much more interesting for the listener  At the end of the week, Mrs. Burns came in and taught the students about Wonder Books.  During the year, the students will be working on interest-based research, and they will house all of their findings in their Wonder Books.  

Words Their Way (Spelling)
Every Tuesday the students will meet with their Spelling teacher for about 20 minutes (students were appropriately placed into flexible groups based on a beginning-of-the-year spelling inventory).  It is then that they receive a lesson, cut out their words, sort them, and write them down under the correct heading.  Every morning thereafter, the students complete word work in class where they complete activities using their words.  Then, the following Tuesday is the test, and the students receive a new list of words.  You can find a list of activities/homework ideas for Words Their Way in the curriculum night packet, but a second copy was also sent home this week.

This week we reviewed the concepts for our Statements and Questions test.  We will begin a new unit on Monday:  Commands and Exclamations.

This week the class had an assembly during one of their science time slots, and the weather did not cooperate on another day (many of these science lessons require the sun!).  But, the students did make it outside another day for a lesson about shadows.  The big idea that the students will eventually discover is that the sun appears to travel through the sky in a predictable daily pattern.

Important Information
On Wednesday, the students attended a Music for Youth assembly where they got to see a demonstration of violins and cellos.  A letter went home on Wednesday about the Music for Youth program.

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing has begun.  We had the math test on Thursday afternoon, and the reading test will be on Tuesday morning.  This is not a test that your child can study for, but as always, a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast helps our kids do their best.

If you ordered a calculator for your child, they received them this week.  They will be housed in their desk.  If you did not order a calculator, simply purchase a cheap one and send it in with your child as soon as possible. 

I know I said Friday Folders would go home this Friday, but I will wait until next week when the students will have more papers to put in them.  Thanks for understanding.

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