Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Thanks Julia and Lily for the great video!
We had the Senior Walk today - got to see the Ivy Eagle and high-five graduating former Ivy Hill students! Such fun!!

Thanks for sending in the field trip and field day slips and money - we're just about all set!

We plan to take the Chapter 14 math test next week, but it will not count towards our trimester 3 math grade, so the review and test will take place here and not come home.

Next week, we'll be helping to plant the Ivy Hill garden on Tuesday pm and taking the Wendella field trip on Thursday.  Wear sunscreen and bring a sack lunch in a disposable bag, please.

Field Day will take place Friday, 6/1. More info to come on that soon, but we'd like the kids to bring in a board game to play during our down time in the classroom.

There is NO SCHOOL Friday OR Monday.  Have a lovely Memorial Day Weekend!!

Friday, May 18, 2018


Nishita and Elizabeth did a great job with the news video - thanks!

If you haven't sent in the orange lunch choice form for field day, please do that by Monday.

Chaperone emails were sent out today - please let us know by Monday if you won't be able to attend after all and an alternate needs to be chosen.  Thanks so much for all who volunteered!!

We have a Junior Achievement rep coming in next Tuesday afternoon for a lesson with the kids.

The senior walk is next Wednesday at the end of the day - can't wait to see those former Ivy students!

Next Friday is a SIP day - No School!

The Wendella field trip is 5/31 - more info to come about that day soon.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 11, 2018


Nicolas and Katya did a great job with this week's blog video!

A big thank you for all of the flowers and cards during Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Please send in your signed permission slip for the Wendella Field Trip if you have not already done so, along with the $7.50.  If you are ordering a lunch for that day, please pay for that separately in a second envelope. The trip is May 31st. We will pull five names from the list of those who volunteered to chaperone and will inform those chosen on May 18th.

The May Reading calendar is due May 31st.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Thanks Asmi and Jackson for the update video!

Mrs. Sobanski is out tomorrow and Monday, so our update is a day early :).

Remember that the reward this time is The Lorax movie on Monday.  Kids may bring a special snack (this one doesn't have to be healthy, but they may NOT share with anyone) during the movie.

Please send in your signed permission slip for the Wendella Field Trip by 5/11, along with the $7.50.  If you are ordering a lunch for that day, please pay for that separately in a second envelope.

Chapter 13 in math is also a short one.  We're planning on reviewing on Tuesday next week and Testing on Wednesday.

The reading calendar is also due on Monday.

Have a great weekend!