Friday, October 27, 2017

10/27 Update

Nick and Katya did a great job summarizing our week!

We will be starting Chapter 4 in math next week. Sidenote: I copied the homework packets and put the Chapter 5 cover letter on top! Oops! I'll send a separate cover letter but we'll use those homework packets so we don't waste paper.

Halloween is next Tuesday. The parade starts at 1:45. Please make sure your costume is appropriate for school and for the weather - it's getting chilly so you may need pants or a sweatshirt under your costume.

Picture retake day will be held on Monday, November 6th at 9:30 a.m.  You must return the original photo package in order to have a retake.  If your child was absent or is new to the school and you need an order form, please contact the school office.

Fall conferences are just around the corner.  We will be doing an online sign-up similar to our Spring Conferences last year.  You can start signing up at 10:00am on November 6th.  We will send a Sign-Up Genius link on November 5th via School Messenger.  Remember conferences are November 20th and 21st.

Friday, October 20, 2017

10/20 Update

Jackson and Asmi did a great job presenting this week's class news! When you have time, please watch their video.

A few reminders...

-Movie Night is tonight at 6:15!!

-If you have not sent in your student’s Halloween Lunch Plan (orange sheet) please be sure to send it in on Monday!

-The reading calendar is due Tuesday, October 31st. The reading project is due November 8th.

-The Chapter 3 math test will be next Wed, October 25th. A chapter review will be sent home the evening before.  Remember the videos discussing the chapters are also available here on the blog if you'd like to discuss what we've learned with your child before then.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 13, 2017

10/13 Update

Tony and Natalie did a great job on the blog post! 

Please make sure that your student is completes Bully Homework Lesson 3 by Tuesday.

Movie Night for grades 3-5 is Friday, October 20th at 6:15. A permission slip is coming home today, and it due on Tuesday!!

Please note that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 16th.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

10/6 Update

Yash and Rehaan did a great job sharing our weekly news!

The Chapter 2 test will be next Wednesday.  The review came home today.  Please study between now and then and take a few moments to refresh the kids' memories again Tuesday night by looking it over.  Next week is a short week, so we will start Chapter 3 the following week.  No homework packet until then.  The Chapter 2 homework packet may stay home now.  Thank you!

No school on Monday!  Enjoy an extra long weekend!