Friday, January 27, 2017


Matthew and Krishna did a great job with this week's news:

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The January Reading Calendar is due Tuesday, January 31st.  The goal is 500 minutes.  

We have a new fiction book project.  The fiction book needs to be approved by 2/3, and the project is due 2/17.

As the weather is changing, please remember that your child should be dressed for the weather. If your child would like to play in the snow at recess, they will need to have snow pants, coat, gloves, and snow boots. Otherwise, they will play on the blacktop only.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Monday.

Today MAP scores went home in an envelope.  Please take the time to review this information.

Also, today we sent home a Valentine's Day letter.  Students are to decorate a "mailbox" for their Valentine cards and bring it in no later than 2/14.  We also sent home a class list for your convenience.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Sonia and Easton did a great job with this week's news:

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The January Reading Calendar is due January 31st.  The goal is 500 minutes.  

We have a new fiction book project, and the instructions sheet went home yesterday.  The fiction book needs to be approved by 2/3, and the project is due 2/17.

As the weather is changing, please remember that your child should be dressed for the weather. If your child would like to play in the snow at recess, they will need to have snow pants, coat, gloves, and snow boots. Otherwise, they will play on the blacktop only.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Tuesday.

No school on Monday due to a Teacher Institute Day.  

Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  Remember the following:

Tuesday:  wear red
Wednesday: mismatched socks
Thursday: favorite team gear
Friday:  crazy hair day

Friday, January 13, 2017


Matthew and Violet did a great job with this week's news:

We have a new student in our class!  Welcome Elyse!!!  We are glad to have you!

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The January Reading Calendar is due January 31st.  The goal is 500 minutes.  

As the weather is changing, please remember that your child should be dressed for the weather. If your child would like to play in the snow at recess, they will need to have snow pants, coat, gloves, and snow boots. Otherwise, they will play on the blacktop only.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Tuesday.

Remember, there is no school on Monday due to MLK Jr. day.  Tuesday is a Monday schedule.

Friday, January 6, 2017


Michael and Anastasia did a great job with this week's news:

Welcome back, and Happy New Year!

Students should remember to read 20 minutes each school night, and record their minutes on their reading calendar.  The January Reading Calendar is due January 31st.  The goal is 500 minutes.  

The Six Flags Read to Succeed reading log is due Monday, January 9 for those who choose to participate.

As the weather is changing, please remember that your child should be dressed for the weather. If your child would like to play in the snow at recess, they will need to have snow pants, coat, gloves, and snow boots. Otherwise, they will play on the blacktop only.

Please review the contents of your child's Friday Folder, including the weekly reflection. Then please sign and return the empty folder on Monday.