Friday, February 26, 2016


Shanti and Sean did a great job presenting this week's news:

Spring Conference times were sent home today.  Please return the confirmation portion by March 7th.

The February Reading Log is due on March 7.

The 2nd Fiction Reading Project, where kids create a cereal/box based on their book, is due on March 15.

On Tuesday, we will be sending home information about a fundraiser for our Wendella boat field trip.   Third grade students will be selling Java Joe's coffee this year to help pay for the cost of the trip!  You will need to look for a Ziplock bag that contains a fundraiser information sheet, along with the order form.  The fundraiser will run from March 1-15th.

Be sure to sign and return the empty Friday Folder by Monday!

Friday, February 19, 2016


Cienna and Atiksh did a great job presenting this week's news:

The Six Flags Read to Succeed log is due Monday, February 22 if your child chooses to participate.  Students may record the same reading minutes that they record on the class reading log.

Spring Conference Preference Sheets were sent home last week.  Please return these by Monday.  If you will be gone during the conference window, please indicate that on your form.

The February Reading Log is due on March 7.

The 2nd Fiction Reading Project, where kids create a cereal/box based on their book, was assigned last week.  This new fiction book must be approved by February 23.  The book project is due on March. 15

Be sure to sign and return the empty Friday Folder by Monday!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Representative Schakowsky's Address

If you'd like to mail your letter from today's TFK to our representative, here's her address:
Representative Schakowsky
5533 Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640

Friday, February 12, 2016


Harini and Renna did a great job presenting this week's news:

Thank you so much to our room parents for a great Valentine's Day party!  The kids had a great time! Be sure to check out our Twitter feed for pictures!

The Six Flags Read to Succeed is due February 22 if your child chooses to participate.  Students may record the same reading minutes that they record on the class reading log.

Spring Conference Preference Sheets were sent home on Wednesday.  Please return these as soon as possible.  If you will be gone during the conference window, please indicate that on your form.

The February Reading Log went home today.  This is due on March 7.

The 2nd Fiction Reading Project, where kids create a cereal/box based on their book, was assigned this week.  This new fiction book must be approved by February 23.  The book project is due on March. 15

Be sure to sign and return the empty Friday Folder by Tuesday!

Remember, there is NO SCHOOL on Monday due to Presidents' Day.  Wednesday is a Monday schedule.

A Parent’s Guide to Bullying Prevention

This school year, Ivy Hill students are learning about bullying prevention in
their classrooms.  Specifically, students have learned about the significance of class rules, how to recognize, report, and refuse bullying, as well as the importance of bystander power.   Cyber bullying is also discussed in fourth and fifth grade lessons. We would love to share this content with parents! If you are interested in learning more, Ivy Hill’s school social worker and school psychologist intern will be presenting bullying prevention information to parents on Friday February 19th at 9:15am at Ivy Hill. We look forward to seeing you!  
Please RSVP with the following link by Thursday February 18th:

Friday, February 5, 2016


Hari and Keaton did a great job presenting this week's news:

The January Reading Log and Fiction Reading Project are both due on Monday, February 8th.  Be sure your child turns in their paragraph summary of the beginning/middle/ending and rough draft of the children's book too!

The Valentine's Day party will be on Friday, February 12 from 1:20-2:30.

The Valentine's Day mailbox and parent valentine heart is due by February 12 (or earlier if done).

The Six Flags Read to Succeed is due February 22 if your child chooses to participate.  Students may record the same reading minutes that they record on the class reading log.

Be sure to sign and return the empty Friday Folder by Monday!

Also, winter MAP test results went home today in a white envelope.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016