Friday, September 25, 2015


Keaton and Brady did a great job presenting this week's news (they were our substitutes as some students were absent/busy):

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

There is a spelling test and a Unit 1 math test on Monday.  A study guide went home today for math.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Schoolwide Informational Meeting

Just a reminder that the district is holding an informational meeting on the new Schoolwide reading curriculum on the following date and time:

Location: Greenbrier Commons

Presenters: D25 Literacy Teachers

Date: October 1st

Time: 6:30-7:30

Friday, September 18, 2015


Harini and Hari did a great job presenting this week's news:

We finished MAP testing today.  The students did a nice job staying focused, and they worked very hard!

The Friday Folder went home again today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Our spelling groups will begin on Monday, September 21.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Taylor and Aarnav did a great job presenting this week's class news:

MAP testing for our class will take place on Tuesday, September 15.  The reading MAP test will be in the morning, and the Math MAP test will be in the afternoon.  Please make sure to schedule doctor appointments around this date.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

The Friday Folder went home today.  Be sure to go through the papers and reflection with your child, and remove the papers.  Send the empty folder back with a parent signature on Monday.

Our spelling groups will begin on Monday, September 21 due to MAP testing next week.

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015

Issac and Keaton did a great job presenting this week's news:

Remember, there is no school on Monday, September 7 due to Labor Day.

MAP testing for our class will take place on Tuesday, September 15.  The reading MAP test will be in the morning, and the Math MAP test will be in the afternoon.  Please make sure to schedule doctor appointments around this date.

The September reading calendar is due October 1st.  Be sure your child is reading for approximately 20 minutes each night and recording the minutes on the calendar.

The Friday Folder will go home next Friday when we have more graded papers to pass back!

The Student of the Week schedule went home today.  Be sure to check the date for when your child will be Student of the Week!