Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

Important Information
May reading calendar due Monday, June 1.

Pizza party permission slip and $1.00 due Monday, June 1.

Friday Folders do NOT need to be returned.

Last day of school is Monday, June 8.

Dreambox accounts will remain active until June 21st.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015

No school on Friday or Monday!

Spelling Packet and Test on Tuesday.

Field Day on Friday, May 29th.

May reading calendar due June 1st.

Wendella Boat Cruise Photos

Wendella Boat Cruise Slideshow

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 15, 2015

This Week's News:

(Unfortunately, the video did not upload this week, so here is a summary of what Priya and Shaurya had written):

In reading, we compared and contrasted books by the author Margie Palatini as a whole group.  We also did some research to learn more about her life and book inspirations.  Finally, we wrote her a letter!  

At the end of the week, we split up into our reading groups and began a second author study on the author Cynthia Rylant.  (photos are at the end)

In grammar we learned about helping verbs.

In writing we learned about how to punctuate dialogue.  We also experimented with using dialogue in our writing to help "show."

In math we learned about the Partial Products Algorithm for multiplication, and we also studied factors.  

In science we learned about the way light travels.  In social studies we learned about The Great Chicago Fire.  We even got to try to identify real artifacts from the fire, and we guessed who might have used them.  Furthermore, we learned about the Chicago River, and we used primary sources (photographs of the past and present) to make comparisons and predictions.  

Important Information

The Wendella field trip is on Monday, May 18.  Please have your child bring a disposable sack lunch (unless you ordered one) and wear their green I Am Ivy Hill shirt (or another Ivy spirit wear shirt).  Cameras are allowed, but children are responsible for them (adults will not carry them).

The spelling packet is due on Tuesdays, and the spelling test will be on Tuesdays as well.

This Friday was our last day to check out library books.  All books are due by May 22nd.

The historical fiction genre project is due on Thursday, May 21.

No school on Friday for the kids as teachers have a SIP day.
No school on Monday, May 25 due to Memorial Day.

Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 29th.

The May reading calendar is due on June 1st.

May Coding (Sphero, Lego Robotics, and More)

Cynthia Rylant Author Study (small groups)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

May 8, 2015

Important Information
  • Spelling will resume this coming week.  The students will receive their spelling words and packet on Tuesdays, and the test will be the following Tuesday.  The spelling packet will now be homework, instead of morning work.  As a grade level, we are making this change to fit in both Personalized Learning and Spelling.
  • Our field trip is May 18th.
  • Historical fiction genre project is due May 21st.
  • May reading calendar is due June 1.

The Great Chicago Fire Reading Activity 
(The students were reading to find out why the fire was tragic but also why it was positive.)

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015

Thank you Viviana and Anshul for creating this week's news:

Important Information

  • PARCC End of Year testing will take place next week.  The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday A.M. (Reading)
Wednesday P.M. (Math)
Thursday P.M. (Math)
Friday (Celebration!)

  • The historical fiction book needs to be approved by May, 8th.
  • Spelling will resume after PARCC testing week.
  • Our field trip is May 18th.
  • Genre project is due May 21st.
  • May reading calendar is due June 1.