Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015

Here are Matt and Sofia with this week's class news:

Important Information

Spring Break all of next week!  Enjoy!

Sign and return Friday Folder

March Reading Calendar due Wed. April 1

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 16, 2015

Here are Lucie and Simon with our class news:

Important Information:
1.   Please return the lavender library card information sheet  by Thursday.
2.   Please return the signed report card envelope by Friday.
3.   Next week is spring break!  There is no school all week.
4.   The March reading log/calendar is due Wednesday, April 1st.

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6. 2015

Here are Trevor and Nathan with this week's class news:

Important Information

  • PARCC testing went very well, and all students worked very hard!
  • Sign and return Unit 6 Math Test by Monday
  • Sign and return Friday Folder
  • Report cards go home Friday, March 13
  • Reading Genre Project due Monday, March 16
  • March Reading calendar/log due April 1

Student of the Week Guest Speaker

Ryan's dad came in to talk about his company, GE (General Electric, and he gave out prizes to all of the kids!  Thanks for sharing some time with us!