Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 23, 2015

Here are Connor and Viviana with this week's class news:

No Friday Folder this week due to the short week.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week, so remind your child to wear red.

Unit 5 math test on Monday, January 26.

Reading Calendar/Log and Genre Project due February 2.

This March, the 3rd grade students will be taking the PARCC assessment on the computers. Along with multiple choice items, the students will be asked to type their written responses. Having them practice their keyboarding skills would help support them in these tasks. Some excellent keyboarding resources can be found here:  This link is also posted on the classroom blog.  More information regarding PARCC will be coming soon. Thank you for your continued help and support.

Owl Pellet Dissection!

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015

Here are Matt and Priya with this week's class news:

Important Information

We have started a new WEX unit:  Writing in Response to Fiction.  The students are reading a book called My Name is Maria Isabel along with this unit.  Most of their daily journal entries require them to reread various passages from this book and extract important information to include in their journal entry.

MAP testing is next week (Thursday in the afternoon).  Please make sure your child gets good rest, a hearty breakfast, and a healthy snack as always.

The science fiction/fantasy book needs to be approved by Friday, January 16.

The science fiction/fantasy genre project is due Monday, February 2.

The January reading calendar/log is due Monday, February 2 (2 freebies allowed).